Discovery fair 2019

The list below contains the stands that were proposed in 2019.


CMS Cern 150
Cern | European Council for Nuclear Research

Discover the world's largest particle physics laboratory while having fun.
Take a short quiz to find out which elementary particle suits you best. Discover protons and their use in the LHC, while decorating your own proton cookie. With virtual reality headsets, take a close look at the LHC accelerator, a detector and the computing centre. Discover CERN's particle accelerators with high-resolution 360° panoramic photos. Take a picture of yourself as a CERN scientist... and more!


endoxa2Endoxa Neuroscience | Society of expertise and consultation in neuroscience

NeuroPlasticity: what is it?
Neuroplasticity is defined as the brain's ability to change and adapt its different neural connections according to our environment, our learning, our values and our personality. By reorganizing and stimulating the creation of new connections between our billions of neurons, brain plasticity allows our brain to be more efficient and to integrate each new experience.


exploracentreExploracentre | Interactive Museum

Introduction to science through experimentation. On the agenda: granular segregation, vault effect, lava lamp and rocket launch - It is forbidden to not touch!




futurekidsFuture Kids | Computer Science & Robotics for young people from 5 to 16 years old





Hepia droneHEPIA | Geneva University of Landscape, Engineering and Architecture





HepiaHEPIA | Geneva University of Landscape, Engineering and Architecture

Energy... at what price!?!!!
What does one minute of using your computer or drying your hair mean?
Calculating your daily energy consumption may seem tedious, but with this module you will discover another way to proceed.
Alone or in groups, come and produce what you consume.


techsparkacademyTech Sparks Academy | Fun and up to date courses on programming for children and teenagers





BioutilsUniGe Bioutils | Interface between UniGe (biology and medicine) and schools

Genetics enlivens your taste buds!
We often hear about DNA... but what is it? What is its role in the human body? Through a demonstration of the mechanisms behind the perception of bitter taste, come and discover the fundamental principles of DNA.



informatiqueUniGe Infoscope | Awakening young people's interest in science and in particular in IT





Exoplante 51 Pegasi bUniGe Astronomical Observatory 

The astronomy department of the University of Geneva presents its research, and offers some games: the astronomer's Snakes and Ladders game, Drake's lotto (whose big prize is to create an alien civilization), the cosmic puzzle of the chemical elements, ...



physiscopeUniGe Physiscope | The objective of the Physiscope is to surprise and entertain, to awaken young people's passion for physics, and to lead them to ask themselves the right questions in our high-tech society





A hospital for plants




epfl la lumire particule et ondeEPFL | Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

A liquid that changes color by itself, a reaction that produces a cloud, plates that vibrate to form patterns? There are so many physics and chemistry demonstrations that you can discover on the EPFL stand! At the same time, you will be able to talk with the students present about their careers at EPFL.



image addict labAcadémie Addict Lab | Learning by project and interdisciplinary reflection





x labsX Labs | Workshops, birthday parties and internships allow you to explore the world of science in a fun and safe way





papillonObjectif Sciences International | Outstanding adventures, participatory science projects for sustainable development

Biodiversity: The recognition of animal species




dinausaursObjectif Sciences International | Outstanding adventures, participatory science projects for sustainable development

Paleontology: Paleontology is the scientific discipline that studies the fossil remains of living things from the past and the evolutionary implications of studying these remains.



poppyRights Tech Women | Promoting the human rights of women and girls in STEM

Come and learn how to program the robot, Poppy Ergo Jr, using Snap (like Scratch).
We will create games together.




empowerment labEmpowerment Lab | Girls Tech Playground

Girls Tech Playground is a community of digitally skilled girls using technology for social change. What makes it unique, and particularly suited to girls is that the project’s focus is on combining girls’ interests with digital technology.

Girls Tech Playground will introduce the theme of Fake News: Don’t believe everything you read, see or hear online! The girls will have an opportunity to participate in different interactive educational activities to explore how pictures are manipulated on social media and learn about the most popular digital software programs that are used to create visual content. The girls will also will be invited to attend a "storytelling through digital media" workshop during which each girl will develop a personal website and be introduced to HTML programming.